
The entire meeting will take place at the building named Le Cube on the Aix-Marseille University – Schuman Campus.

The address is 29 Av. Robert Schuman, 13100 Aix-en-Provence. To find it on maps it is easier to type “Théatre Antoine Vitez” (which is the name of the auditorium).

  • Note that there are no parking spots for the conference but it possible to park in the streets around the campus.
  • Note that the Aix-TGV (fast train) station in not in town but 15km away. There is  a shuttle to Aix-en-Provence (Approx. 20 min journey ; Ligne 40
  • Note that if you prefer to stay in Marseille, there is  a shuttle to Aix-en-Provence (departure every few minutes from Gare Saint Charles – 35 min to an hour journey ; Ligne 50La Beauvalle stop is a 5 min walk,  Gare routière is a 15 min walk).
  • If you arrive from the airport, please find HERE instructions to come over in Aix-en-Provence (up to Step 9!)