Dec 14-16, 2022

Aix-Marseille Université





Choosing the right software package for an MEG or EEG analysis is not trivial. A proper balance must be found between efficiency, ease-of-use and the specific analysis methods that one needs to use. Numerous open-source software packages allow carrying all classical analyses within a single environment. However, each package has its own area of expertise (e.g. source-space analysis, time-frequency analysis, multivariate decoding, multilevel statistics and so forth…) and a given study may require using several specific features available in different software. It is therefore often the case that complex pipelines need to be tailored to allow different parts of the analysis to be carried out in different software environments.


PracticalMEEG aims at providing an intensive three–day training to MEG and EEG analysts. It will provide its attendees with the ability to create a full analysis pipeline with exemplar (or their own) data in one or several of four leading software dedicated to MEG and EEG analysis (Brainstorm, FieldTrip, EEGLAB, and MNE-python). On demand, we hope to provide attendees with the opportunity to bridge across toolboxes and weave their own complex multi-software pipeline.


Students with any level of programming proficiency are welcome.

Preliminary Timetable


Bring your own laptop! We will provide power outlets, but no desktop computer will be available on the premises. Full instructions will be provided to install your environnement.

    • Install the toolbox(es) you want to use during the workshop.





    • Download the tutorial dataset (1.1 Gb). This is a customized version of the “Multisubject, multimodal face processing dataset” of Wakeman and Henson, including only one subject, one run, and with some extra enhancements.

      Speakers and Instructors

      Alexandra Corneyllie

      Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon (France)

      Maximilien Chaumon

      ICM / CENIR (France)

      Anne-Sophie Dubarry

      LNC, Aix-Marseille University (France)

      Ramón Martinez

      Brain Product (Germany)

      Robert Oostenveld

      Radboud University (Nederlands)

      Natalie Schaworonkow

      ESI Frankfurt (Germany)

      Johanna Wagner

      Zander Laboratories (Germany)

      Britta Westner

      Donders Centre for Cognition (Nederland)

      Christelle Zielinski

      Aix-Marseille University (France)

      Marie-Constance Corsi

      ICM, Inria (France)


      Anne-Sophie Dubarry

      LNC, Aix-Marseille University (France)

      Maximilien Chaumon

      ICM / CENIR (France)

      Clément François

      LPL, Aix-Marseille University (France)

      Christelle Zielinski

      Aix-Marseille University (France)

      Deirdre Bolger

      Aix-Marseille University (France)

      Laure Spieser

      Aix-Marseille University (France)

      Anaïs Llorens

      Saint Anne, Paris (France)

      Estelle Hervé

      Aix-Marseille University (France)

      Marie-Constance Corsi

      ICM, Inria (France)

      Adrien Schramm

      Independent Event Organizer

      Supported by
